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Meet Clarisse

Clarisse (Clare)

Clare is a Spinone Italiano brown roan with only one brown spot above her tail. Clare has an excellent wirehair coat which is no mess no fuss.

Sweet, sweet, sweet Clare. I cannot say it enough. Clare is such a sweetheart and always willing to please and do whatever we ask of her. I have never had to scold Clare or discipline her, its true. Now I know she sounds like the perfect dog right about now (well in my humble opinion sweet and perfect) let us talk specifics and see if you agree. Clare has an excellent coat, no matter if you hunt, show or are a pet owner, no fuss no mess, Excellent coat! Clare has the best disposition you could ever ask for in a dog. She loves kids, all dogs, all people and will probably go with just about anyone who will take her for a car ride. Many, many people have tried to take her home, I always catch them before they take my sweet Clare for a ride, ha.

Clare loves to hunt and is very good at it. Clare went to a professional hunt trainer for a few weeks and even he offered to take my sweet Clare off my hands. Clare’s stamina in the field was unsurpassable.

I have been told by people from Italy who reside here in the United States that Clare is the correct Spinoni type from Italy. The word got out and Clare has had several visitors from their homeland Italy that want a Clare puppy because of her conformation, body type and coat.

Clarisse my sweet and affectionate Spinone Italiano with a great disposition to match. We love, love, love her. This girl has it all together for a Spinone Italiano.

Weigth 72lbs 05/15/2020

Clare is retired from having puppies.


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