Meet Bailey
- MichiganSpinone
- Dec-14-2022
- Photo Gallery
Bailey is brown roan with brown spots. Bailey is a River and Stella daughter and looks like her Daddy.
If I could sum up Bailey it would be “What About Me”. Bailey is always in the mix. If one dog is getting a bath she will try to get in the bath too. If one dog is getting brushed she will wiggle her way in “What About Me”. No matter what is going on Bailey thinks she should be included. She is always willing to do whatever you ask of her. She loves car rides, she pretty much likes everything “What About Me”. Bailey in not a dog who constantly wants attention, she is not a affection hog she just think she should always be included in whatever is going on at the time. Bailey is the smartest of all the Spinoni here at Michigan Spinone. If there is a way Bailey will figure it out.
Bailey is an excellent hunter and loves to hunt. We kept Bailey out of a litter because we felt she was the complete Spinone, size, conformation, temperament and would be an excellent hunting dog. We were Spot on!
Bailey is a robust hardy girl who loves the outdoors. I have never got Bailey to give me kisses or lick me in the face. We have a nose to nose stare down but I cannot get her to give me a kiss. Just not here thing! She is a character.
Bailey’s weight 05/2021 78lbs
Baileys hip are tested as excellent. Embark DNA tested, all clear on all genetic testing.
Bailey is retired from having puppies